Florida’s Healthy Promise Campaign

Posted in Latest News on December 29, 2014.

Healthy Promise Florida is a campaign sponsored by the Florida Department of Health to encourage residents in Florida to make more informed choices about healthy eating and active living this year.

The number one public health threat to Florida’s future is unhealthy weight. Currently, only 36 percent of Floridians are at a healthy weight. On our current trend, by 2030, almost 60 percent will be obese. Additionally, six out of ten children born today will be obese by the time they graduate high school.

Part of the solution to this challenge is community support, and that’s where you and the Healthy Promise campaign fit in. Everyone can be part of the Healthy Promise campaign.

There are two ways to make a healthy promise:

1) Starting January 12th, visit any local county health department office or health event, fill out a promise card or sticky note, and attach it to the Healthy Promise community message board.

2) Upload your promise photos to the online message board at www.HealthyPromiseFL.com. On this website, you can also view inspirational photos from other Floridians who have committed to live longer and healthier lives.

Visit www.HealthyPromiseFl.com to learn more and make your healthy promise today.

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